MOSSAI is built on top of Hyperdust Protocol, the first WEB3 protocol for decentralized computation intensive applications such as deep learning and 3D pipeline rendering. This solid fundation gives the strongest support to metaverse. .
3D, XR user experiences and AIGC in metaverse need intensive computation native or on cloud. Up to now , all users or platform operators of the metaverse or AAA games pay huge money for those computing power. This is the most challenge to the metavers or AAA game in their infant start up phase. Even in a long term, the metaverse should not be contraled by any capital in any way (algorithmly or computationally) .MOSSA also needs huge computing juice to make the islands keep generating and rendering. After search and try out in Web3 world we realized that there is no any working computatin power on chain at all although some claims do so.
So, we built the first working decentrailized protocol for intensive computing applications such as metavers and AAA games --- Hyperdust Protocol. With it MOSSAI stops losing blood and the computing power providers get rewardes by tokenomics rather than shovel selling. Finally, GPUs can mining by doing real work and PoW becomes PoRW (Proof of Real Wrok).
MOSSAI is regenerating the vanishing islands in metaverse and also rebuilding metaverse industry with
Hyperdust Protocol, the most strong Web3 computing protocol ever.
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